vrijdag 26 augustus 2011


In de UK.
Stolen: 20' Caravelle airstream
I had my 1980 20' Caravelle airstream ( single axle ) stolen at the weekend (20-8-11)

It was made for the Japanese Market so is only 7ft Wide and has a small back window! Very Important as the other 1980’s trailers would be 8ft wide.
Green seating with Flamingo's ,It's had the UK conversion to axle, hitch and towing lights.

It's pretty rare, needs work doing to it as it'd been off the road for 3 years, thieves ripped out wiring etc so i would guess it needs a restoration job !

If anyone hears anything please contact me, or the police of course.
Fingers crossed.....

Mocht u iets weten over deze airstream of spullen aangeboden zien of krijgen laat het dan even weten.